This is the field-proven, feature-packed down bag you've always wanted. We've loaded this bag with the comfort features that Therm-a-Rest bags are known for. OurSynergyLink™ Connectorsintegrate the bag with your sleeping pad while allowing our Zoned Insulation to keep fill where you need it most. The fit of the bag has been perfected in our onsite cold chamber to create our W.A.R.M. fit that allows room for multiple sleep positions without compromising thermal efficiency. Stuffed with water-resistant 650 fillNikwax Hydrophobic Downcertified by theResponsible Down Standard, the four-season Questar is ready for your next backcountry adventure. The Questar is offered in three sizes, and designed to fit both men and women. Compression sack and storage sack included.
650 FillNikwax Hydrophobic Down™:Absorbs 90% less water and dries 3 times faster without using dangerous PFCs.
W.A.R.M. Fit:With Additional Room for Multiple positions (W.A.R.M.) fit means this bag allows for various natural sleep positions while maintaining thermal efficiency.
SynergyLink™ Connectors:Integrate the bag with a pad for optimal comfort and thermal efficiency; removable for versatility.
Zoned Insulation:Maximizes warmth and saves weight by intentionally placing down where you need it most.
Box Baffled Construction:Uses mesh walls to maximize loft and minimize cold spots.
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